Artister |
Almir Meskovic & Daniel Lazar |
EM122 / 2018
Almir Meskovic og Daniel Lazar har begge 20 års erfaring med klassisk musikk bak seg. Begge har studert ved Norges Musikkhøyskole. I tillegg har de begge en solid forankring i tradisjonsmusikk fra sine land. Almir er fra Bosnia og Daniel fra Serbia.
Med sine røtter fra Balkan, iblandet skandinaviske elementer, har denne duoen et helt spesielt særpreg uten sidestykke. De blander et stort spekter av stilarter og sjangre, alt fra balkanske rytmer og russiske folketoner, til Mozart og sigøynermusikk.
De begynte begge sine musikalske reiser midt under de vanskelige årene på Balkan, noe som også har gitt dem en ekstra glød og iver etter å nå sine store mål I livet; å dele sin musikalske arv.
With roots from the Balkans mixed with Scandinavian elements, the duo Almir Meskovic and Daniel Lazar have a distinctive character that is unparalleled. Each of them has more than 20 years’ experience within classical music, and together they combine a wide range of styles and genres – ranging from Balkan rhythms and Russian folk tunes to Mozart and gypsy music. In recent years, they have played with The Oslo Philharmonic, The Norwegian Radio Orchestra, and Sølvguttene. Both are also central to the international folk music super group Kuraybers.
Music and cultures from various corners of the world meet in the heart of the Balkans. The folk music Almir and Daniel were raised with contains influences from gypsy music, Jewish klezmer music, military and classical music and everything in between. Almir was born in Bosnia and Daniel in Serbia, but they met at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. In Norway, they have developed their own form of expression that maximises the beauty of both accordion and fiddle, with inspiration from all eras. Their catchy music makes even the heaviest of dancing feet want to shake free.