Slåtter fra Hessdalen, Haltdalen Og Ålen
Artister |
John Ole Morken |
EM38 / 2007
Holtålen, som grenser mot Røros i sør, er en kommune med rike musikktradisjoner, og ikke minst har folkemusikken og dansen stått svært sterkt langt bakover i historien. Tidlig i 1990-årene begynte det imidlertid å se dårligere ut for felespillet i Holtålen. De fleste av spelmennene som ennå var aktive i bygda begynte å bli relativt gamle, og rekrutteringen var ikke så god som man kunne ønske. Da dukket det opp en ungdom, som foruten å vise et stort talent som utøver også var levende opptatt av å oppsøke og lære av de eldre kildene som fremdeles fantes i Holtålen. Utover på 1990-tallet møtte vi ham stadig oftere på kappleiker, stevner og andre steder hvor lokal folkemusikk ble framført. Spillet hans var preget av en sjelden friskhet og en usedvanlig god dansetakt, samtidig som det formidlet en solid forankring i eldre feletradisjoner. John Ole Morken har plukket fram igjen mange eldre slåtter, slåttevarianter og andre folketoner som ikke har vært framført på lange tider. Når John Ole Morken nå bestemte seg for å gi ut sin første soloplate er det en svært erfaren og reflektert 28-åring som har gått i studio sammen med noen av sine beste musikervenner, Jørgen Nyrønning, Olav Mjelva og Tore Reppe, foruten en av sine viktigste læremestre og inspirasjonskilder, Ivar Schjølberg.
John Ole Morken (b.1979) is a native of Holtålen County in the region of Trøndelag, Norway. Holtålen, located south of Trondheim and bordering on Røros, has rich music and dance traditions whose history dates back more than 200 years. In the 1990’s, at a time when many feared for these traditions, an eager young fiddler named John Ole Morken turned up, with a burning interest in visiting old-timers to learn their tunes and tales. John Ole showed unusual energy and spontaneity in his fiddling, and he comprehended the old playing style. Needless to say, many welcomed his interest! He quickly became an active participant at local and regional fiddle gatherings, concerts and competitions. Prizes and scholarships from national, regional and local cultural administration and organizations rewarded his talent and provided encouragement. Since the late 1990’s, Morken has had the endorsement of Bjørn Aksdal of the Rff-Center (Center for the Norwegian Council for Folk Music and Folk Dance) in Trondheim. He has cooperated with Aksdal and the Center in a number of research projects and productions focused on traditional music and dance history in Norway, especially the Holtålen/Røros/Gauldalen region. In his home community, Morken’s work has resulted in revival of old tunes and stories that had nearly been forgotten. His knowledge, enthusiasm and participation in various music and history clubs have stimulated interest in local, traditional culture among young and old. Morken has also put in time as a student: He has earned a Bachelors degree in music from the University of Trondheim (NTNU) and has completed fiddle-studies at the Spelemannsskulen at Ole Bull AcademyinVoss.ExcellentresultsatNorwegianfolk music competitions – as solo fiddler, as member (and generator) of a multitude of groups and as leader for several fiddler clubs – attest to young Morkens’ quality and development as a fiddler and as a musician over the years. Recently, John Ole is often seen sharing the stage with Hardanger-fiddler Lajla Renate Buer Storli, with whom he lives in Lofthus, Hardanger. On this solo-CD, John Ole Morken’s debut, we meet an experienced, philosophical 28-year-old in late summer, 2007. He has invited musician friends – Jørgen Nyrønning, Olav Mjelva, Tore Reppe, Ivar Schjølberg – and producer Bjørn Aksdal to participate in recording sessions at Bent Jacobsen’s log-cabin studio in Os, south of Røros.