Veiskille (Slåtter fra Oppdal)
Artister |
Andreas Bjørkås |
EM53 / 2008
Oppdal er både geografisk og musikalsk sett et veiskille. Bygda grenser mot tre fylker, og dermed også minst tre ulike folkemusikktradisjoner. I gammel tid førte dette også til at bygdas musikktradisjon ble påvirket av spelemenn på gjennomreise. Vi vet for eksempel med sikkerhet at spelemenn som Fant-Karl gjestet noen av bygdas spelemenn, slik som Ola Nerlo. Dette kan man i dag høre igjen i slåttemusikken, og spesielt sprenglek – Det finnes klare innslag av både pols og Gudbrandsdalsspringleik. Likevel synes jeg slåttemusikken i Oppdal har sitt klare særpreg. Sprengleken karakteriseres av et raskt tempo, og med mye trioler. Takten er også tilnærmet symmetrisk, dvs jevn, noe som skiller seg fra pols og Gudbrandsdalsspringleik. På denne plata har jeg prøvd å beholde det lokale preget samtidig som jeg har tillagt musikken noe av mitt eget, og som reflekterer min egen musikalske bakgrunn. Som spelemann har jeg opptrådt i mange settinger i både inn- og utland. Høydepunktet i min solokarriere kom på Landskappleiken på Voss i 2010, da jeg vant klasse A i vanlig fele. Fra tidligere har jeg også flere topplasseringer i denne klassen.Jeg håper du som lytter vil finne «Veiskille» interessant å lytte til. I tillegg til soloslåttene har jeg vært så heldig å få med meg to svært flinke gjestemusikere som jeg tror vil bidra ytterligere til en spennende lytteopplevelse. – Andras
Oppdal consists of a VEISKILLE [CROSS- ROADS] in both a geographical and a musical sense. The community borders on three admin- istrative districts and at least three regions with distinct folk music traditions. In the days of the horse and cart, Oppdal fiddlers were influenced by musicians who came through the area. We know that “Fant-Karl” and other Gypsy/Traveler fiddlers spent time here and played with local fid- dlers, such as Ola Nerlo. Oppdal as an intersec- tion is clearly reflected in its traditional reper- toire, especially the older “sprenglek” tunes. These tunes are similar to some called “pols” in neighboring districts to the north, east and west, and “springleik” in Gudbrandsdalen to the south. Yet in spite of similarities, fiddle tunes of Oppdal have their own unique style and character. “Sprenglek” tunes are in triple meter. They are characteristically played in a quick tempo and contain many triplets. Beats within the measure tend to be even. I have attempted on this CD to retain the local ‘dialect’ in my performance. Of course, my own personal tendencies and musi- cal background come to play in the interpretations.
Like many other fiddlers, I found my way into folk music through my family. My father, uncle and two cousins play fiddle. I received my first formal instruction at the Oppdal community mu- sic school. My teachers there were two experi- enced local fiddlers, Jan Kåre Bjørkås and Erik Sverre Viken. I also learned much from Tore Viken, a traditional Oppdal accordionist, with whom I have played a great deal. After my 9th year of school I chose to continue studies with a focus on folk music at the high school in Vinstra, Gudbrandsdalen. Here, my musical horizons were broadened enor- mously, especially due to such teachers as Tom Willy Rustad, Vegar Vårdal and Per Sæmund Bjørkum, who are all top-class Norwegian folk musicians. After Vinstra, I began in Oslo at The Norwegian Academy of Music, and continued under the instruction of Per Sæmund Bjørkum. Following this, I studied classical violin with Terje Moe Hansen, and took an additional year of advanced music education at the same institution.
I have performed as a fiddler on many different scenes and occasions, both in Norway and internationally. As a member of the folk music group Nordafjells, I have participated in many of the best-known Norwegian folk festivals. Nordafjells was selected by NRK [Norwe- gian Broadcasting Company] to represent Norway at the Eurofolk festival in Moscow, 2008. Nordafjells has also won numerous prizes and honors at Norwegian competitions over the past 10 years. (http:// high point of my solo career came at the National Folk Music Competition [Landkappleiken] in Voss, 2010, when, after many years of participation and ranking well as a solo fiddler, I won first prize in Class-A!
Although this CD is primarily a solo presentation, I am pleased to have two excellent guest musicians with me on several tunes. I hope you will find VEISKILLE an interesting listening experience!AndreasThanks to Mom, Dad, Erlend Viken, Olav Christer Rossebø, Sjur Viken, Reidar Skjelkvåle and Arne Fredriksen.