Love Songs And Trance Music From Balochistan
Artister |
Abdulrahman Surizehi |
EM17 / 2006
Abdulrahman Surizehi is considered among connoisseurs as the worlds leading performer on the Baluchi instrument Benju. He reveals a vitality, creativity and exhibits extensive knowledge of Baluchi tradition, as well as an outstanding mastering of comprehensive repertoires on the Benju. This he has picked up through innumerable meetings and recordings with several great masters both in Iran and Pakistan. The Benju is a dulcimer like instrument, which appeared in Baluchistan in the first part of last century, presumably by way of Japan. In Baluchistan it was developed and improved; the Baluchi Benju is approximately one metre in length and is about twice the size of its closest relatives. The main string is double with accompanied strings on each side. Abdulrahman benefited considerably through having a good teacher in his father, Jom’e Surizhei, who is considered central in improving the instrument, as well as consolidating the Benju in Baluchi tradition. Abdulrahman is resident in Oslo, and has in Norway been a contributor in several fusion-based music projects, but is progressively performing on the international arena. He is known to a world audience through participation at festivals and concerts, and also for his brilliant contributions on two Baluchi recordings with the well-reputed French label Ocora. He has built up considerable prestige and fame among connoisseurs of Baluchi tradition both inside Baluchistan and beyond. In addition to Benju, Abdulrahman plays the doubled-headed drum Doholak, Tanburag, Tabla and Sarod.