Dalstroka Innafor, Hardingfelespel Frå Agder
Artister |
Johanne Flottorp, Gard Nergaard, Tor Haslemo |
EM37 / 2009
Johanne Flottorp, Gard Nergaard, Tor Haslemo: Agder folkemusikkarkiv presenterer her ei cd-plate med tre unge hardingfelespelarar frå Agderfylka, som alle er av dei fremste utøvarane i landet i sin aldersklasse. Dette er ungdomar som utan blygsel står fram med den lokale musikktradisjonen sin. Dei har allereide solid sceneerfaring frå kappleikar, talentkonkurransar og haugevis med lokale arrangement. Når dei no har nådd eit så høgt nivå som utøvarar, og er svært viktige som vidareførarar av kvar sin slåttespeltradisjon frå Agder, ynskjer me med denne plata å gje dei ein vidare inspirasjon til arbeidet med folkemusikken sin. Samstundes er plata ein dokumentasjon på kvalitet i voksteren i folkemusikkmiljøet på Agder, og det vert her presentert tradisjonar og slåttar som sjeldan og aldri har vorte gjevne ut på plate før. Denne plata vert også ei delmarkering av 10-års jubileumet til Agder folkemusikkarkiv. Harald Knutsen.
With this album the Folk Music Archives for Agder, Norway, presents tunes played by three of the best young Hardanger fiddlers of the region. In spite of their youth, they present their local fiddle traditions as experienced performers, having parti- cipated in numerous fiddle competitions, talent contests and local performances. They are now important for the continuance of their traditions in the Agder region. We hope that this CD will provide inspiration for them to continue their dedication to folk music. We are happy also to present documentation of the quality and vitality of Agder’s folk music milieu, as well as tunes and local traditions that have seldom or never before been available on recordings. This production serves as a partial marking of the Agder Folk Music Archives’ 10th anniversary.
Harald Knutsen
Johanne Flottorp (f. 1991) from Åmli.
Salve Austenå, a traditional fiddler of the Åmli/Tovdal areas in Aust-Agder County, has been Johanne’s main teacher. In addition, she mentions Øystein Rød (of Grimstad) and Annbjørg Lien as instructors and sources of inspiration. Johanne has excelled at fiddle competitions and has been among national finalists in the Norwegian Youth Festivals of Art talent contest (UKM). She currently attends the Dahlske high school/junior college in Grimstad, where she is studying music with Hardanger fiddle as her main instrument.
Gard Nergaard (f. 1993) from Øyslebø.
Gard plays tunes from the little-known fiddle tradition of Marnardal, a municipality in Vest-Agder County. He has learned much from Paul Sveinall, but as there are few other living fiddlers in Marnardal, he has also learned from transcriptions and recordings. Gard has done well at competitions and talent contests (UKM) and has participated in various performances. He plays for dancing locally, teaches fiddling and also works at transcribing local folk music.
Tor Hoslemo (f. 1992) from Bykle.
Tor’s specialty is the fiddling of his district, Setesdal, the part of Agder with the richest Hardanger fiddle tradition. He has topped his class as a junior at Norway’s National Folk MusicAnd Dance Competition (Landskappleiken) and won many prizes at local contests. He has also received many scholarships, among them the Aust-Agder County’s cultural scholarship. Tor has studied fiddling with the best tradition-bearers of Setesdal today.